A 3 carat emerald weighs 0.6 gms and adds beauty and benefits to one’s life. It is an effective gem from the beryl mineral family. Individuals who want to enhance their communication skills can wear this gemstone. A 3 carat panna is recommended to people in jobs requiring daily communication. If you are facing health issues, panna 3 carat is a perfect stone for you. It helps to aid ailments related to the heart, kidney, and digestive tract.
This stone weight is enough to provide you with astrological benefits and vibrant jewelry. A focused green gem in the center makes a perfect solitaire engagement ring. Buy 3 carat (3.27 ratti) panna stone from Navratan for that exclusive ring. Moreover, it is a compatible precious gemstone that works well to enhance the life experiences of the wearer.
Natural gemstones soothe eyes and help treat skin-related infections. While this is perfect for astrological and non-astrological purposes, a 3.5-carat emerald stone is ideally suggested by astrologers for maximum benefits in bringing you good fortune. It greatly influences the intellect, knowledge, health, and wealth of the wearer.
The cost of 3 carat emerald stone in India starts from INR 10,000 to INR 60,000 and can extend even more. The variation in price range depends upon the quality of the stone. The quality of the original panna stone is determined by the 4C’s: