Rules for Wearing Hessonite Stone

Posted on October 23rd, 2024 05:44 PM

Hessonite stone is called Gomed or Gomedh in Hindi and Gomedhikam in Sanskrit. It is associated with the planet Rahu and displays a reddish-brown color. In Vedic astrology, hessonite stone benefits the wearer with luck, wealth, foreign travel, and a happy married life. Zodiac signs such as Taurus (Vrishabha), Aquarius (Kumbha), Gemini (Mithuna), and Libra (Tula) can wear Gomedh stone. Besides the gemstones being worn according to their compatible zodiac sign, most importantly, they should be worn according to the Vedic rules. 

Read More: How Gomed Stone Transforms Lives

When to Wear a Hessonite Stone?

One should wear a gemstone only after the analysis of the birth chart. Astrologers are the right people to predict what your natal chart says and which gemstone to wear according to the zodiac. Here are some key points when to wear Gomedh Ratna:

  • If the ruling planet Rahu is situated with any house and is afflicting it.

  • If Rahu is placed in the house of destiny. 

  • The 5th house is the house of children and study. If Rahu is situated in this house, it affects the person’s studies and struggles to have children. 

  • The 7th house is the house of marriage and relationship. If Rahu is placed in this house, an individual faces delays in marriage or conflicts in relationships. 

  • A weak Rahu placed in the 6th and 12th houses impacts the individual's health and poses obstacles to the possibility of traveling abroad. 

If a birth chart features any ill placement of Rahu graha, the person is suggested to wear a hessonite stone

Also Read: Best Substitutes of Hessonite (Gomed) Stone

Gomed Stone Benefits in Vedic Astrology 

Best remedy for Rahu Mahadasha is Gomedh ratna. Let's see how it works in your life and transmits positive energy to the wearer. 

  • Enhances Clarity and Confidence 

Individuals who have ill-placed Rahu in their birth chart often struggle with low confidence and clarity of thought. Hessonite stone benefits the person with clear thoughts and makes mindful decisions. With improved concentration, the person can achieve goals in life. 

Also Read: 10 Gomed Stone Benefits for Career You Must Know

brings clarity of thoughts

  • Removes Conflicts in Relationships

If the 7th house is affected by the ill-placed Rahu planet, the person struggles with marriage delay, breakups, and marriage conflicts. Gomed stone benefits the wearer by strengthening the 7th house. It offers the person mental peace and calmness so they are relaxed and free from anger issues. Thus maintaining harmony in a relationship. 

relationship harmony

  • Best Gemstone for Health 

One faces several health issues if the 6th house is afflicted because of bad Rahu graha. Wearing a Rahu stone can be helpful in this case. The powerful energy of this stone can aid relief in fever, brain disorder and even cancer. It also brings relief from mental health issues like fears, phobias, aggression, or physiological disorders.  

Read more here: Health Benefits of Hessonite

health benefits of gomed stone

  • Gemstone for Foreign Travel 

A well-placed Rahu present in the 12th house of your birth chart allows foreign travel. If this shadow planet is ill-placed, it will create issues in going abroad. For example, you might face issues with visa delays and more. Wearing a Gomedh Ratna can help you get away with these problems. 

Also Read: Gomed Stone Side Effects That Will Jolt You


promotes ease in foreign travel

How to Wear a Gomed Stone? Rules to Know 

Follow these rules to wear Gomedhikam gemstone and get benefits from the ill effects of Rahu.

  • The Hessonite ring should be worn on the middle finger of the right hand. The middle finger represents Shani, who is not an enemy of Rahu but doesn't have bad effects when they are together. Thus, wearing the Rahu stone ring on this finger is suitable. Read More here: Gomed Stone in Which Finger For Maximum Benefits

  • The maximum carat weight one should wear this stone is 6.25 Ratti to get effective results. 

  • Gomedh gives the best results with Panchdhatu metal. It can also be crafted in silver metal. 

  • The best day and time to wear Gomed stone is Saturday evening between 6:00 PM and 7:00 PM. It is said that the best time to wear Rahu Ratna is during Godhuli bela. 

  • It should be noted that it's best to wear the gemstone in the right Nakshatra. For wearing hessonite, the best Nakshatra is Ardra Nakshatra. There should be no Amavasya on that day. 

  • To activate the Gomedhikam Ratna ring, dip it in raw milk Friday night. Purify it with Gangajal on Saturday. Apply roli and rice to the ornament and then wear it at the suggested time.  

  • One should chant the mantra “Om Ram Rahave Namah” 11 or 21 times while wearing the Gomed stone ring. You can also chant the mantra with a rudraksha mala 108 times. 

  • Along with wearing a gemstone for Rahu, it is recommended to help needy people and feed pigeons. 

To conclude, if Rahu's effects are adverse, you can wear a hessonite stone, but only after consultation with an astrologer. This may lead to side effects of wearing Gomedh stone such as accidents or mishaps. Buy a natural Gomedhikam Ratna from a reputable gemstone store like Navratan.

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