Crystals and gemstones' healing powers and beauty make them expensive and valuable. These stones can remove the negative energies around you and, fill your life with positivity, and bring you many other benefits like mental clarity, calmness, and communication.
Over time, the gems can lose their energies or have absorbed so much negativity that they need cleansing and proper caring. So today, in this blog, we have mentioned some simple ways to cleanse & purify your crystals.
You can cleanse the Gemstones and maintain them at home by yourself. Although, the best way to make sure that your gems are not destroyed or damaged is to get them checked every once in a while in a lab.
To re-energize them, you can ask an astrologer to perform the Pooja for you. But if you have belief and faith, you should follow the following things and take care of your gemstones at home by yourself.
To protect your crystals or gemstones, you should make sure that they do not get damaged by you. So here are a few tips to care well for them:
Storing - You should store your gemstone jewelry or crystals separately. Use different storage boxes of glass or any material that will not damage them. Also, wrap them in soft clothes like velvet before putting them in the box.
The gems and crystals can break even with a simple fall or stumble. So, you must ensure that you handle them with care.
While you are meditating or practicing spirituality with your gems and crystals, make sure that there are no oils on your hands and no chemicals around that can damage the gems.
Keep the crystals away from chemicals, and never clean them with detergents or cleaning agents.
Make sure you remove the gems if you are wearing gemstone jewelry while bathing, swimming, gardening, cooking, etc.
Do not expose the gems to sudden temperature changes.
It is essential to clean the gems or crystals to remove any oils or moisture. The simplest way to clean them is with lukewarm, mildly soapy water and a soft brush.
Cleansing of a gem or crystal should be done on a regular basis, especially after intense healing sessions. Cleansing will remove the negative energies the gem has absorbed and bring it back to its highest potential so that the gem can support your intentions more effectively. Here are some of the best ways to cleanse your crystals:
Smoke - Another great method to do it is through smoke. The air that purifies us. You can use sage, herbs, or incense sticks to create the smoke. Keep your crystal near it to let the smoke cleanse it.
Salt Water - Salt is known to have purifying properties, which is why it is highly used to remove negativity. You can soak your crystals in sea salt water overnight to cleanse them. Please do not use this method on opal, as it is a porous gem and can get damaged.
Earthing - Cleansing by Earth is the most natural method to cleanse your gemstones. Dig a hole in the ground and leave the crystals in the soil for the night.
Holy Water - Holy water is another way to cleanse your crystals and gems. Leave them in the holy water for 30 to 45 minutes.
Pooja Process - Yagna, Mantras, and Tantras are some of the most ancient methods that are used for initiations, cleansing, gaining of powers, etc. However, it is recommended that you use this method only under expert astrologers.
You must cleanse your crystals or gemstones every once in a while to maintain their beauty as well as their energies. Cleansing the crystals will restore your link with them and make them more effective. If you don't, here are the problems you will face -
Energy Block - The crystal can create an energy block and will not work for you. Indeed, it may create the opposite energies and bring you heaviness and emotional imbalance.
Negative Energies - The gemstone may release the negative energies it has absorbed. It will no longer perform the healing and will radiate the negative energy back.
Disconnection - The stone will get disconnected from you, its alignment with your energies may fade, and obstacles will block the purpose that you might want to fulfill.
One must charge their crystals to re-energize them and amplify their natural properties and powers. Charging the gemstones and crystals will increase their positive energies again. Here are some of the most effective methods, recommended by experts, through which you can charge your gemstones:
1. Sunlight - Sunlight is a power source that keeps us all alive and gives us warmth. So, it is one of the most natural ways to charge your gems and crystals. Simply put the gemstone under sunlight, preferably during sunrise for 30 to 45 minutes.
Caution: Do not use this method for delicate stones like rose quartz and amethyst.
2. Moonlight - The stones that are the most in connection with the moon and night should be charged by the moon light like moonstones, pearls, selenite, labradorite, etc. Place your crystals under the moonlight on the night of a full moon. Leave it for the whole night and let the lunar energies charge your gems.
3. Sound - Sound waves are therapeutic for humans, so they are definitely perfect for charging gemstones. The vibrations created from singing bowls, bells, etc., will charge your gem and re-align its energies.
4. Using Other Crystals: There are some crystals that are specifically known to have the power to charge other crystals. You can use Clear quartz to amplify the energies of your crystals and use selenite to purify the gem. Simply keep the two gems together, the charging crystal on the top of the one you want to get charged.
Each of these methods is simple and effective. You can choose the one that you feel is the best one to go for, one that resonates with you and your crystal. Charge your gems on a regular basis to get their maximum benefits.
Activation of crystals and gemstones is required at the very beginning when you have just purchased them. Purify your gemstones by any of the cleansing methods mentioned above, then active them. To activate your gems, you can use affirmations or Mantras.
Perform the Pooja by chanting the specified mantra for the particular gemstone on an auspicious day. Here is the complete process of energizing the Navratans, the nine most potent gems in the world - Method of Wearing Navratans - Correct Procedure.
The gems and crystals are naturally powerful tools that can heal you. But there are some things that you should keep in mind if you want to avoid getting them to turn negative on you or get them damaged.
Crystal combinations can be made only after careful consideration and knowledge. Make sure you are not using two or more crystals together, which cancel out each other energies.
Do not leave your crystals after use anywhere. Keep them clean and safe. Also, avoid exposing them to extreme temperatures.
Do not use water on soft stones, like Opal and Malachite, which can get damaged. Always take proper knowledge of your stone and how to use it. Each stone has different properties, so you need to take care of your gems accordingly.
Never leave your crystals unattended or unused for a long time. Also, please do not leave them in a dirty place.
Do not overload your crystals with too many intentions, as it can dilute the energies of the gems. Focus on one thing at a time and say affirmations accordingly.
Crystals and gemstones are highly powerful and are known for their healing abilities. But they need constant care and cleansing. You should care for them if you want to stay protected from harm and want to get the maximum benefits of your gem.
Though, make sure that you are using an original gemstone. Buy an authentic gem from a reputable source like Navratan, the online gem bazaar, to get lab-certified gemstones.
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