Emerald Stone Price Guide I

Emerald Stone Price Guide I
Posted on September 11th, 2024 05:32 PM

Emerald, also known as Panna in Hindi, is a precious stone popular for its unmatched green hue and astrological benefits. This amazing gemstone comes from the beryl mineral family. Emerald stone properties are distinct, which makes it different from the other green gemstones. It is the reason why this gemstone is added to the list of big fours, along with rubies, diamonds and sapphires.

The fantastic green color of this beryl stone, fair hardness, clarity, and exceptional brilliance are some of the reasons why this gemstone is chosen for high-end jewelry. Moreover, panna ratna is a valuable astrological gemstone known for its various benefits.

The Emerald stone is for the planet Mercury, and wearing it benefits the wearer with a sudden increase in wealth, professional success, and relationship harmony. Read Here: Emerald Stone Benefits. Thus, there are many reasons why panna stone is famous, highlighting the reasons to find out its cost. This emerald price guide refers to the factors associated with its value evaluation. It also entails why there are fluctuating prices.

Emerald Colombia - 28.41 Carat

Emerald Colombia - 28.41 Carat

Emerald - 6.6 Carat

Emerald - 6.6 Carat

Emerald - 3.91 Carat

Emerald - 3.91 Carat

Emerald - 38.8 Carat

Emerald - 38.8 Carat


Factors Affecting Emerald Gemstone Price

Like all other gemstones the concept of 4C’s (cut. clarity, color, carat weight) also fits here. Emeralds are more expensive than diamonds, especially those featuring explicit color, high-carat weight, and flawless appearance. Panna stone price in India starts from INR 3,000 and may range upto INR 1 lakh and more. Let's explore each of the factors that evaluate gemstone price:

Color: Impressive and Important

Color plays a vital role in evaluating the value of Panna stone. The distinct quality of this precious stone is its green color. The more vivid the green color, the higher the price of the stone. Read More: Best Emerald Stone Color Chart

 The stone's color is due to trace elements like chromium, vanadium, and iron. The higher the chromium content, the more verdant the color adds value to the gemstone.

Color is further subdivided into hue, saturation, and tone.

  • Hue:  Refers to the color. Emeralds come in more than one color. Besides green being the primary hue, secondary colors like blue and yellow are common. High-quality emerald stone with a green hue, medium tone, and high saturation (more transparent) are preferred.

  • Tone: Describes the lightness and darkness of the stone color. Medium to medium dark tones are highly valuable.  Darker gems are not recommended as they do not absorb much light and thus appear dull.

  • Saturation: The intensity of the color is termed saturation. High saturation is considered valuable as it reflects the purity of the color.

Panna stone cost is high for the ones that display a greenish-blue hue. The color differs with the origin. Colombian emeralds showcase vivid green color with a bluish tint. Brazilian panna stone shows a greenish-yellow color. 

Also Read our blog: Which Color is the Gemstone Emerald?

Note: Secondary overtones should be low in amount as they will cover up the stone's original color. Gemstones with high secondary overtones are considered less valuable.

Clarity: Flaws also Affect Value

It refers to the transparency of a gemstone. In emeralds, clarity varies from translucent to transparent. Higher transparent stones with no inclusions are considered rare and priced high.

Common inclusions are “jardin” that gives a moss-like appearance to the stone when closely viewed and rotates under light. The other inclusions are three-phase or two-phase inclusions.

Learn More: A Closer Look at Emerald Inclusions

Emerald inclusions are categorized as type 3, which means they are familiar and always present. An important factor that identifies whether the gem is real or not. Highly included gemstones are low-quality Panna stones. The emerald stone price varies from less included gems to highly included ones. However, color also matters here.

Gemstone price is high for less included and vivid color pieces. On the contrary, if there are no inclusions but the color is not vibrant, the pachu stone price is less. Whereas there are few inclusions, the color is also beautifully green and the cost is comparatively high. So, you see, color and clarity are interlinked. Clarity is often assessed on the basis of grades.

AAAA: Exceptional Quality, Intense Color, and Clarity. Comes under the Heirloom category, Expensive

AAA: Best category, Excellent color, Minor inclusions (visible under a microscope), Pricey

AA: Better quality stones than A and B grade, Good color, Inclusions are noticeable

A: Good quality than B grade. Light to Medium color. Inclusions noticeable

Cut: Brilliance that Adds Worth

Cut refers to the shape of the stone. A well-cut symmetrical gemstone is priced higher than those with uneven edges. This precious Ratna looks beautiful in every cut, like round, pear, oval, heart, cushion, and octagon.

Emerald cut is the best cut for emeralds. This gemstone cut enhances the durability of natural panna. Raw emeralds are less expensive compared to well-cut stones. Choose symmetrical cut stones that reflect high brilliance and shine.

Carat Weight: Bigger Isn't  Always Better

It refers to the weight of the stone. This green gemstone price increases with an increase in size. 1-carat emerald stone price is comparatively less compared to 2-carat or above.

It is to be noted that other factors such as color, clarity and cut should also be considered while buying panna ratna.

Natural Emerald Price Per Carat

Carat Weight (Ratti)
Low Quality (Highly included, light color) (INR)
Medium Quality (Moderate color, Some inclusions) (INR)

High Quality (Striking Color, Few or no inclusions)


1,00,000 - 1,50,000
4,000-INR 60,000
1,00,000 - 2,00,00
5,000 to 10,000
50,000 -1,00,000
1,00,000 - 2,00,00
5,000 to 10,000
50,000 - 1,00,000
2,00,000- 5,00,000
10,000 to 20,000
1,00,000 - 2,00,000

2,00,000- 5,00,000

10,000 to 20,000
1,00,000 - 2,00,000
5,00,000- 10,00,000

A Pachu stone with vibrant green color, high clarity, and flawless cut with low carat weight is also desirable compared to the ones with high weight but dull color, poor cut, and highly included. Carat Weight and size are two different things. Read More Here: Does the Size of the Gemstone Matter?

Colored gemstones are denser than diamonds. So, a 1-carat panna stone is denser than a 1-carat diamond, and hence it looks bigger in size. Since larger stones are valuable and highly priced, size is often considered a cost factor.

Finding a Pachu stone above 3 Ratti is rare and thus accounts for a higher price. It often varies with sources. For instance, 3 carat Colombian emerald price in India starts from INR 10,000 to INR 60,000 while these gems from other sources like Brazil and Zambia are affordable.


Gemstone treatment is done to enhance the color and clarity of the stone. Treated emerald stone is less expensive. Untreated Panna Ratna with perfect color and clarity are rare and valued more. Oil treatment is the major type of enhancement given to these gems. Learn More here: An Overview of Emerald Enhancement

They are categorized as oiling, minor oil, Moderate oil, Insignificant oil, and no oil treatment. The price graph for treated panna stone goes like this:

No oil Treatment >Insignificant Oil>Minor oil>Moderate oil>Oiling 

Expensive—---------------Medium Price—-----------------------Lower Price

To conclude, emeralds' worth is noticed by their properties. In astrology, while the originality of the gemstone is important, carat weight and color also matter. While purchasing panna gemstone it is important to know what price you are giving for.

Thus, this price guide helps you understand different factors that tell you why you pay a high price for some stones and less for others. Do you know origins also play an important role in price? Read our next blog for the same. 

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