Top 15 Healing Crystals And How To Use Them?

Posted on November 20th, 2024 11:43 AM

The gemstones and crystals have immense positive healing powers that can heal you physically and mentally. These crystals for healing will be best for you if you want to stay healthy and determined towards your goals. The positive energies will keep your overall well-being better and you will be able to focus on your goals. 

Mental and physical stress distracts you and brings many problems in your life. In this blog, we have mentioned many healing crystals and their uses. Embrace these to heal emotionally and physically.

Crystals For Emotional Healing 

For emotional health here are the crystals and their meanings. Choose a crystal or gemstone as per your intentions and one that attracts you the most. All these gemstones are the best ones for emotional healing. 

Rose Quartz 

The Rose Quartz or Heart Stone comes in light pink hues and is known to enhance love in its user. The crystal enhances both self-love and love for others. It promotes unconditional love and helps restore your inner peace. 

It also increases communication and understanding between you and your loved ones. Your existing relationships will improve as well as the new bonds will deepen. Know more about the benefits of the Rose Quartz Stone here - Rose Quartz Benefits - The Stone of Love

Rose Quartz

Lapis Lazuli 

Lapis Lazuli is a stone of self-awareness, protection, and spiritual growth. This beautiful blue gemstone will increase your self-confidence and help with self-realization. It will help you express your feelings and strengthen your bonds. The gem will promote emotional healing, it will ease stress and anxiety, and help balance your energies of mind and soul. 

Lapis Lazuli


Amethyst stone or Jamuniya Stone is a natural tranquilizer that is known to help its wearer overcome their past traumas and emotional wounds. This crystal will help you get over your past and find inner peace. 

This stone brings you emotional balance and increases your intuition powers as well which will help you make the right decisions. Read more about the powers of this beautiful purple quartz gemstone here - Unlock Your Intuition With Amethyst Jewelry

Amethyst Stone


Citrine stone or Sunela is a warm and bright gemstone that is loved for its yellow hue. This stone is a gem of prosperity. It calms the nerves and is known to bring you peace. When you wear the gem it activates the solar plexus chakra in the body of the wearer. This chakra makes you feel confident and powerful, as well as it will make you more determined and courageous.  

It will also make you bright and hopeful. Indeed, Citrine brings you contentment and increases mental clarity, helping you make better decisions. 

Further Reading - Benefits Of Wearing Citrine Stone Bracelet

Citrine Stone


Moonstone, as the name suggests, is the gemstone or crystal of the Moon. This gem is for emotional healing because it enhances the hormonal balance and helps you with emotional stability. The gem will reduce anxiety and depression, and give you inner peace. It will also help to remove nightmares and aid lucid dreaming. 

It will give you the blessings of the Moon, bringing you divinity, serenity, and balance. Read more about the benefits of Moonstone here - Moonstone Meaning and Benefits


Green Aventurine 

Green Aventurine is a beautiful solid green gemstone that attracts abundance in your life. It will bring you good luck and positive energy. It is a crystal that will bring you stability and eliminate overthinking. It will help you get out of your mind and past. Plus, it will connect you to the ground and foster feelings of compassion and forgiveness.

Green Aventurine


Turquoise or Feroza stone is a light blue colored gemstone that is known to bring the person who embraces it good luck. The gem or crystal will protect you from negative energies and enhance your intuition powers. It will guide you in the right direction and help you overcome overthinking or negative thinking. 

The gemstone will also decrease stress and mental tiredness and help you experience self-love. 

Also Read - Salman Khan's Feroza Stone - Value & Importance

Turquoise stone


Aquamarine stone comes in light blue hues and is transparent. It is a beautiful crystal that brings you calmness, coolness, and clarity. The gem helps to release suppressed emotions and heals emotional wounds. Also, it improves the hormonal balance and helps the person take control over their body. 

The crystal will also increase your self-confidence, promote decision-making skills, and help you express yourself better. 

In addition to that, the stone will cure mental disorders. 

Aquamarine stone

Crystals For Physical Health 

Here are the gemstones for physical health that will have a positive effect on your physical health and keep you overall healthy. 


Ruby also known as Manik stone is a deep red gemstone that is known to bring the person passion, love, and power. This gem increases the strength of the heart, maintains blood circulation, and detoxifies the body, removing toxic substances. Indeed, the gem will improve vision, and provide relief from body pain and headaches. 

There are many other healing properties of Ruby stone, know them all here - Natural Rubies: Extraordinary Powers That Enhance Your Life

Ruby stone

Blue Sapphire 

Blue Sapphire or Neelam Stone is a gem of fame and success but it has many healing powers as well. This crystal will improve your eye health and improve your vision. It will cure mental disorders, helps cure headaches and migraines, and has anti-inflammatory properties as well. 

Indeed, the blue sapphire will strengthen the bones and nourish your skin. It is also said that it improves the heart rate. 

Know More about the benefits of blue sapphire here - What are the Benefits of Wearing a Blue Sapphire Pendant?

Blue sapphire


Next on our list of healing crystals is the Bloodstone. As the name suggests, is the stone that is known to cure any blood-related ailments. It improves the function of the circulatory system, detoxifies the blood, and cleanses the blood as well as the major organs. It will boost the immune system and help your body fight off the illnesses. This stone will also increase your physical energy and vitality, increasing stamina. Hence, this stone is highly recommended to sports person professionals. 

Blood stone


Emerald or Panna stone is a deep dark green gemstone that is one of the most desirable gemstones in the world known for its beauty. The gem symbolizes growth and rejuvenation and is said to increase communication skills in the wearer. 

It is believed that the stone cures any diseases related to the throat or mouth. It aids speech-related disorders, improves eye health, strengthens the heart, boosts the function of the circulatory system, and detoxifies the body. 

It also helps with digestion, aids any respiratory system ailments, and heals the nervous system. 

Emerald stone

Hessonite Garnet 

One of the best crystals for physical healing is the Hessonite stone, a type of grossular garnet. This honey-coloured gemstone is famous for its beautiful colour and many powers. It is said that this crystal can improve your metabolism and cure any ailments related to the digestive system. 

The hessonite will also heal your nervous system and respiratory system problems. Know all the healing properties of the stone here - Health Benefits of Hessonite.

Hessonite stone


Tanzanite is a dark blue gemstone that is known for its helping properties and protective powers. This stone or crystal for good health and protection will protect you from negative energies like evil energies, bad omens, black magic and evil spirits. 

Physically, it will boost your immune system, heal your skin, help with reducing hair loss, maintain the health of your kidneys, and cure depression and anxiety. 

Tanzanite stone

Yellow Sapphire 

The bright yellow sapphire gems also known as Pukhraj stone are one of the best crystals for healing sickness. It boosts the immune system and digestion system, reduces stress and anxiety and maintains the circulatory system. It will also purify your blood and heal your injuries faster. 

It will also make you more mentally clear and stable your emotions. In addition to that, the gem will nourish your skin, ais treat respiratory ailments and rheumatism as well as diseases related to the liver and pancreas.  

It is also said that yellow sapphire can help with weight loss. Read more benefits of the Pukhraj here - Health Advantages of Yellow Sapphire Gemstone

Yellow sapphire

How To Use Crystals For Healing?

There are many ways to use crystals and gemstones for healing: 

Wear Them - The best way to gain all the energies is to wear these gemstones as a ring, pendant or bracelet. This way the gem will keep in touch with your skin and keep the energies flowing through you. 

Carry-in Pocket - You can also carry the gemstone or small crystals in your pocket or your purse. 

Use Crystal Grid - You can also create a crystal grid near you when you meditate or practice spirituality. 

Place Them At Home - Place the gemstones or crystals in a glass plate at your home or workplace. They will keep the environment positive and calm. You can also buy crystal hangers and hang them in your life.

Use Them In Daily Life - You can also use them in your daily life by many means, there are crystal bottles, crystal cosmetic products and face rollers, etc. that you can use. 

Wrapping Up 

All the gemstones or crystals mentioned above are the best ones for emotional and physical health. The positive energies will keep you overall healthy, aligning the energies of the mind, body, and soul. You can choose a crystal or create a crystal grid of crystals or gemstones that you are attracted to or find the best for yourself. 

Just make sure that the gems are original and authentic. Buy them from a reputable seller like Navratan, the online gem bazaar, where you will get lab-certified gemstones in all cuts, colors and sizes. 

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