Manik and Ruby are the same. The first one mentioned stone is the Hindi name for the second one. In Vedic astrology, ruby stone is ruled by the planet Sun or Surya, which signifies energy, passion, and power.
Manik stone benefits the individual with immense wealth, good relationships, and leadership qualities. But do you know this red corundum is associated with healing powers also? In this blog, we will discuss the eight incredible ways a real ruby stone can enhance your overall well-being.
Here are the top reasons why you should buy ruby stone:
Manikya stone is believed to improve blood circulation and heart health. The vibrant energy of this stone energizes your body physically and mentally. If you are suffering from any heart-related issues, blood pressure, or anemia, wearing a Manickam stone can be beneficial.
The magical powers of ruby have been long valued in terms of the intense red color it features. The color red relates to love, purity, and vitality. Thus, wearing a Manik ring on the ring finger helps you fill your heart with love and heal you from mental trauma.
Read how you can wear this stone in our blog: Benefits of Wearing Ruby in Ring Finger
Rubies attract wealth and thus are referred to as the “King of precious gemstones”. It is the stone for business people. Wearing a Manek stone on the ring finger of the right-hand helps business people gain financial growth and stability in business. Ruby's healing properties include developing a positive mindset during business losses.
Read More: Struggling with Decision-Making? Let Ruby Stone Guide You
This red gemstone is good for relationships, especially with your spouse. Wearing a Manikya stone ring in gold attracts love. This Sun gemstone is very powerful, such that it heals emotional wounds, resolves conflicts, and makes stronger bonds among couples.
Read Here: Benefits of the Sun in Fourth House
Adorning ruby as an astrological gem is known to move away from past traumas in a relationship. People may get confused between Manickam Ratna and Povala Ratna, which is the Marathi name for red coral stone. Povala Ratna benefits the person by removing marriage delay, whereas manik stone enhances love and compassion.
Ruby Crystal benefits the person by enhancing self-confidence and personal power. If you struggle with indecisiveness, self-doubt, or hesitation, keep this crystal in your study room. It will help you step into your fullest power. It improves your leadership skills so that you are more assertive and fearless in life’s struggles.
Read Here: Ruby Stone Benefits - Astrological, Spiritual, Physical
This stone drastically improves mental clarity, focus, and concentration. It stimulates decision-making skills by clearing confusion and making it a wonderful gemstone for students, entrepreneurs, and professionals. If ruby is real, it will give you instant results in your profession. Leo zodiac sign individuals are best benefited by the power of Manek ratna.
The ruby red color represents love, passion, and devotion. It inspires romance and deepens bonds. If you feel distant from your partner physically or emotionally, the powerful energy of Manik stone can infuse strong feelings. Hence stressing the fact that the ruby stone is for love. Pair it with pearl stone to get marital bliss: Benefits of Wearing Ruby and Pearl Together
This precious red stone is believed to aid against psychic attacks and negative energies. So if you are a working professional facing demotivation, a constant barrier to your success, then you can wear a 5.25 ratti Manickam stone.
Read Here: Which Type of Ruby is Best for Astrological Use
The healing benefits of Manik Ratna are not limited to the physical; they also extend to emotional well-being. The power of ruby is intense, such that it removes the fear of failure. It also brings calmness to your mind and enhances your confidence. So you are able to face big challenges in your life. Read Here: Does Ruby Really Work?
Real Ruby activates the first chakra that is the Muladhara or the root chakra. When this chakra is blocked the person could feel unrooted, low energy, and insecure. The Manikam ring is worn on the ring finger, which is also linked to the root chakra. So, the energy well reaches the body, resulting in enhanced energy levels, increased motivation, and boosted well-being.
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March 5th, 2025